


Written by: Yunsirno


If you are a smart boy or a smart girl and you have no money to go joining school, you must be no worry at all. Because nowadays so many chances to you to get scholarship or some aids to you. You just need to register to any school that you need and show your achievement. If you are fail in one occassion beacuse so many competitors, don’t worry, there will be another chance for you. It could be from goverment, company or any any kind rich men. 

But how about anybody who has no money and he or she is not smart also? How does he/she get the chance? Almost impossible. It is difficult to goverment or company to give such boy or girl. Because they have no reason to help. It is still possible to any rich men to help. But the rich men must find his special purpose to help, or the boy or the girl has their special thing to be helped. 

If no reason or so difficult to help them, so how can they raise up him/herself? How can they change their life? How can they form their future without any aids or assistance? 

Because of that reason, Sang Bintang School makes Akademi Jenius (AJ) Program.  This is program for any young boy or girl who has no any achievement and from poor family. They can submit their applicance to office. But sometime the boy or girl like that has no motivation or spirit to join also. Don’t worry you or another man can register with his or her name. 

If they registered, they will or can join the process or join the kampoenk jenius classes provided. We will put a mentor to guide him/ her.  

Do you want to join AJ or register someone? Please contact to Nauval 085733243496. 

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Sang Bintang School